Friday, October 24, 2008

Wanted: Profitable CRM Software Companies

With more fallout from the collapse of Entellium, the business IT community has started to worry about the fiscal health of other vendors in the CRM software space. After all, migrating from one CRM application to another isn't fun when you want to do it, let alone when you start to wonder if someone's coming along to shut the servers down.

How, exactly, can you determine whether a CRM software vendor is going be around for a while? After all, executives from Entellium managed to fool some pretty smart people for a few years, if the most recent press reports are to be believed.

According to industry experts and leading CRM software consultants, the very best CRM vendors actually walk their talk. They use their own tools as the backbone for policies and procedures that engage customers and develop relationships.

Here's one tweet I found that exhibits the problem:

RhiRhi does not like the project manager from her CRM company.

If your clients don't actually want to speak to you when times are good, what does that say about how your relationship will weather the storm when times are bad?

A CRM software vendor should exemplify the best practices of modern sales. If you don't feel right about them in your gut, they probably won't be the right fit for your company.

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